4 x 1 hour Workshops PLUS Support and Feedback

Starting 30th May 2022 (every Monday at midday)

For consultants, coaches and experts who want to generate quality enquires and receive regular introductions to clients who are a perfect fit.

Disappointing results from your marketing efforts probably mean you’re languishing in no man’s land, desperately trying to appeal to a far too broad audience.

Your messages will be too general, which makes marketing a lot harder than it need be.  You’ll know it’s time to focus on developing a niche when:

  • You don’t have enough clients
  • The clients you do have are a pain
  • You’ve compromised on your day rate
  • You don’t enjoy what you’re doing
  • You’re finding it difficult to create engaging content
  • You’re not generating the leads you need
  • You’re not hitting your revenue targets

To gain a flow of dream clients you need to find your niche. 

I appreciate the thought of narrowing down your target audience can make you feel rather nervous.

  • You think you’re going to miss out on opportunities
  • What if it doesn’t work out?
  • What’s the best direction to take your business
  • Where you do you start?

You start right here, because Super Niched will calm your nerves, provide the logic and show you the direction.

Super Niched provides the inspiration you need to explore, discover and develop your niche.

What’s included?

4 Workshops all recorded so you if you can’t attend live, you won’t miss a thing.

WEEK ONE: 30th May at midday (allow 1 hour)

Overcome the niching nerves

  • Understand the good, the bad and the ugly about niching, so you can banish the nerves about reducing the size of your audience and recognise the abundance of opportunities a narrower and perfectly matched group will bring you.
  • Discover 10 ways that niches can evolve. This will help you explore and choose the way(s) that are most appropriate and feel right for you, so you move your business forward with confidence and excitement for the new clients you will be attracting.
  • Identify patterns in your past and present clients (or a pervious version of you) to uncover clues about where your most valuable and profitable business lies.

WEEK TWO: 6th June at midday (allow 1 hour)

Finding your perfect niche

  • Zero in on your mission, so you develop a focus that is aligned with your values and is profitable to your business.
  • Explore ways to stand out from the crowd based on your uniqueness, so you are incomparable to your competitors, a perfect fit and obvious choice to eager clients.
  • Gain confidence in your super niche decision, so you are raring to go when you start communicating and attracting those who match your refined target audience.

WEEK THREE: 13th June at midday (allow 1 hour)

Hello My Ideal Client!

  • Appeal to and attract many more perfect clients, so you can say goodbye to those who drain your energy and hello to premium paying clients who fill your bank account.
  • Position yourself with authority and as a specialist/expert in your field, so that you frequently receive introductions and become the obvious choice.
  • Develop attention grabbing and compelling marketing messages that will trigger your ideal clients to get in touch and ask how they can work with you.

WEEK FOUR: 20th June at midday (allow 1 hour)

Plan your Super Niche. ACTION = RESULTS

  • Set SMART goals, that align with your business objectives, so you have a plan that will keep you focused and help you develop your ideas, ensuring you are always working towards achieving your super niching goal.
  • Develop your 30 day action plan that’s practical and fits within your working week. This will ensure you to take the regular small steps needed to make the changes you are committing to and will produce the results that you’re aiming for; a flow of ideal clients you’re excited to work with.
  • Put measurements in place, so you can regularly review progress, tweak where necessary and keep the momentum going.

And if that’s not enough, check out these fabulous bonuses:

BONUS #1: Marketing Coaching: 4th July at midday (allow 1 hour)


  • Share your 30 day plan and gain feedback on the goals and actions you’ve set
  • Decide how you will build in accountability and who you’ll check in with to ensure you keep making progress
  • Acknowledge potential barriers or blocks that might slow down your progress, and seek methods or processes to ensure you stay on track and obtain your niche development and marketing goals.

BONUS #2: My Little Book of Marketing Inspiration

  • Receive a beautiful notebook designed by me where you can record every detail about your ideal client and space to capture and journal content ideas, so you can share posts and blogs that resonate, inspire and encourage your ideal client to reach out to you.

BONUS #3: LinkedIn About template (can be used elsewhere too)

  • A guide to help you write an engaging and relevant About section on LinkedIn, so when you’re profile is found in searches or you’ve invited someone to connect, they are instantly interested to find out more about how you can help them and are inspired to get in touch.


45 days support in a private Facebook group

  • Any questions you have between the live training sessions simply pop them in the Facebook group and I’ll answer them. This will allow you to make the most of the learning and implement as you go. This is also a great opportunity to give and receive feedback from other solo business owners in a similar position to you.

Access to recordings of the training and pdf downloads

  • Every training session will be recorded, so you can watch again if you want to recap or if you can’t make it live you won’t miss out. You’ll have access to all the recordings for at least a year.

THE SUPER NICHED Workshop dates:

  • 30th May – 12:00 – 13:00
  • 6th June – 12:00 – 13:00
  • 13th June – 12:00 – 13:00
  • 20th June- 12:00 – 13:00
  • 4th July – 12:00 – 13:00 (Bonus coaching session)

All at midday, will last around 1 hour and will be recorded.


2 x monthly instalments of £120 (1st today and 2nd in 30 days)


£199 one off payment (saving £41)


Training and support during the 45 days to explore, discover and develop your niche, so marketing becomes easier and you attract a flow of dream clients.


Bonus 12 month planning guide, personal notebook to fill with marketing inspiration, LinkedIn About template and additional resources to help you get the very most from this course.

Daily support with your questions answered between the live training sessions, so you’re not alone on your niching discovery journey.

2 x instalments of £120 (1st today, 2nd in 30 days)

£199 Pay in full (saving £41)

When is the right time to niche?

Nick Allsopp - How do you know if it's time to niche?If you’re still not quite sure and wondering if it’s the right time for you to develop a niche, then I’d like to introduce you to Nick Allsopp from Crescat Coaching, who is a professional coach.

Nick’s situation may resonate with you and help you decide your next niching steps. Find out about Nick here…

You can also hear from Judy and Miffy in the two video testimonials below. They are just two examples of Attractive Marketing clients who have embraced refining their niche and as a result are enjoying growth in their business.