LinkedIn Strategy Coaching
Have you noticed how much more proactive business owners are on LinkedIn?
This is great news for you as it means more eyeballs on your LinkedIn profile and posts. It’s an opportunity to generate enquiries and new clients.
Unfortunately, if your profile is not appealing and your About section reads like a CV, any amount of activity you put in is going to have little or no effect.
If ever there was a perfect time to get to grips with LinkedIn as a lead generator, it’s now.
Remember, LinkedIn is just another tactical marketing tool, a channel to share your marketing messages, which is why this is a LinkedIn Strategy Coaching session.
You have my undivided attention, so we can focus on you, your products and services and how you can use LinkedIn to grow your business.
It’s this strategic approach that prompted Anna Randall to say,
“If I can get that much marketing advice from one LinkedIn coaching session, I can’t wait to see what Nicola can do for my business in the future!”
So that you get the most from this LinkedIn Strategy Coaching session, you’ll receive a template to help you focus on the clients you’d like to gain through LinkedIn. You can complete the exercise before or after the session, it doesn’t matter which.
This will help you gain clarity on WHO you want to connect with, WHAT their problems and frustrations are and WHY they should do business with you rather than your competitors.
This is such a valuable exercise in itself.
What does a LinkedIn Strategy Coaching session cover?
During the 1 hour online session over Zoom, we’ll focus on:
- Creating a highly interesting LinkedIn profile that gets you found in searches and appeals to your ideal client.
- Searching for and connecting with contacts in a way that feels comfortable to you, so you steadily increase your network of potential clients.
- How to create engaging content that builds and nurtures your audience and gets them asking how they can work with you. This is where the enquiries drop into your message box.
I’m also on hand afterwards to provide feedback and ensure you’re confident with implementing what you’ve learnt.
Your investment in a LinkedIn Strategy Coaching session is £125.
To book a convenient time email me or call me on 07565 382803.
Perfect For
Consultants, coaches and experts who want to gain new clients from LinkedIn.
Discover how to create a LinkedIn profile that attracts dream clients, search and connect with integrity and share content that generates leads.
Attractive Marketing Clients Say

Nicola takes a step by step and very targeted, methodical approach. She explains simply how to fully optimise your LinkedIn profile, how to drive connections and visitors to your page and how to present your posts in the best possible way.
I can definitely recommend Nicola’s one-to-one LinkedIn Coaching sessions.

We covered both strategic approaches and practicalities which I know will save me a great deal of time.
The coaching was 100 per cent relevant to my needs and Nicola was extremely generous with the advice offered.
I feel far more confident, armed with many refreshingly new practical suggestions which I will be sure to use.
I would recommend to anyone looking to improve their profile, outreach and success on LinkedIn.