Sharing your knowledge with your prospects and customers is a great way to build strong, long lasting relationships. And an easy way to do this is by adding great content to your website regularly, then sharing.

In my last marketing tip, ‘Breathe long life into your blog articles‘, I introduced you to Missing Lettr as an additional means of sharing your knowledge as well as via your eNewsletters and social media.

Well, I’ve come across another new, nifty tool. I saw several of my online network talking about Lumen5 and thought I’d check it out. And I’m so glad I did.

Lumen5 makes it super easy to make your own quick videos.

Simply add the url of your latest blog article and the content appears ready for you to choose and edit the sound bites. Next you select from a free library of images, a photo that describes your caption. Once you’re happy with these, choose a mood of music, again royalty free, that reflects your message.

Finally, save and share! Hey presto! You’ve breathed even longer life into your latest blog!

Lumen5 is free to use. Give it a try and let me know how you get on.