Attractive eNewsletter Package
Even when you’ve worked hard at getting your messages crystal clear it still takes time for your prospects to really get to understand how you can help them.
You have to build trust. You have to find a way of going from not really knowing each other that well to a stage where they feel extremely happy to approach you or indeed comfortable enough to recommend you.
You also have to be patient. You have to wait until the time is right for your prospect to want to take action. This can take months and sometimes years.
Keeping in touch via an eNewsletter is the perfect way to build relationships.
A monthly eNewsletter to your contact list introduces your latest blog article on your website. It shares relevant, interesting and really useful information. The benefits of an eNewsletter are:
- It demonstrates that you have the products, services and skills to help your ideal client
- It develops an understanding of the culture of your business, what you stand for and what matters to you
- It adds value to your contact (for free) through sharing your useful tips and relevant information
- It allows you to stay on their radar. They remember you for all the right reasons
- It confirms that you are the obvious choice when the time is right
An eNewsletter is a great lead generator
But… consistency is key.
That’s where many people fall down and that’s why Attractive eNewsletter Package is… well… attractive!
The other reason that this package is so attractive is that it’s in a safe pair of hands. I will guide you through the marketing strategy around your eNewsletter and then implement it for you.
Attractive eNewsletter Package includes:
- A planning session to come up with topics for your articles (blogs)
- Edit one article per month. This can either be written by you or is a brain dump of an idea!
- I upload the article to your website
- I create your eNewsletter in an email marketing system such as Sentori, MailChimp or other if you have a favourite. It contains either the full article or an introduction to it with a link to your website where it can be read. It can also contain other news about you and your business
- I update your social media channels with links to the article on your website
What does it cost?
The Attractive eNewsletter Package costs £150 per edition. Most companies have a monthly eNewsletter. Some prefer bi-monthly.
This is incredible value for money, because it ensures consistent visability and is a regular lead generator.
If you want to build relationships and generate regular leads then here’s how you can contact me.
Perfect For
Consultants, coaches and solopreneurs whose working weeks are full to the brim.
You know you need to keep the marketing machine whirring and passing this job to a safe pair of hands is a smart investment.
Attractive Marketing Clients Say

A really useful workshop which helped me think about my strategy and what I want to achieve, so that I align my marketing activities to support this. Everything you need to put together a detailed marketing plan. Thank you, Nicola.

Nicola has been helping me with my marketing activities for several years now. She’s great at coming up with interesting topics for blogs and newsletters and edits my copy so that it flows well and is easy to read. I always feel proud of these communications to my contacts and I regularly gain enquiries due to this marketing activity.